We partner with change agents who have big ideas on how to serve the most vulnerable youth.
We support our portfolio of entrepreneurs in three phases of work: prototype development, pilot, and scale. Learn about some of the change agents in our network and what they are doing to create a better future for our schools and our children.

Femi Adebogun, ScholarMe

Susan Asiyanbi-Ozenne, The Olori Network

Coeylen Barry, The Mira Fellowship

Toni Barton, Spelligent Education

Nicole Campbell, Ownership is the Future

Vanessa Castañeda Gill, Social Cipher

Charlie Coglianese, Schoolrunner

Kareem Farah, The Modern Classroom Project

Thaly Germain, Onward

Crystal Gonzales, English Learners Success Forum

Jaime Palés & Jason Green, LINC

Kaya Henderson, Reconstruction

Donald Kamentz, Contigo Ed

Kristen Kane, Sparkler

Jonathan Klein, UndauntedK12

Rebecca Kockler, Magpie Literacy

Jeff Livingston, The Center for Education Market Dynamics

Ben Marcovitz, All Means All

Leonard Medlock, Playback Worldwide

Saamra Mekuria-Grillo, Formation Ventures

Mark Murphy, GripTape

Jennifer C. Niles, CityWorks DC

Paymon Rouhanifard, Propel America

Todd Kern & Adam Rubin, edsUP

Sarah Berger Sandelius, The Ability Challenge

Jonathan Santos Silva, The Liber Institute

Rajen Sheth, Kyron Learning

Derwin Sisnett, Adaptive Commons

Mindy Sjoblom, OnYourMark

Dacia Toll, Stepmojo

Dr. Melina Uncapher, Neuroscape

Margo Wright, Yenko